5 Questions Buyers Ask When Viewing a House

Are you selling your property soon? If you want a fast house sale, you have to be prepared to answer buyer questions. Anybody that is viewing your home is going to have a lot of questions to ask before they put in an offer. After all, they want to ensure they are making the right decision for their family. Preparing for these questions in advance can make sure that you sell your house fast. So, here are five questions buyers ask when viewing a house.

How Long Have You Lived Here?

Buyers are going to ask about your history in this house and how long you have lived here with your family. They want to understand if you have enjoyed your experience here. For example, it will be a good sign if you have lived at the property for 10 years. However, if the home has had a lot of owners over the last few years, they might see this as a concern and that there is a reason for it. A property buyer might even ask you about why you are moving.

What is the Area Like?

A property buyer wants to know more than just details about the house they are viewing. They are also going to inquiry into the area and what is surrounding the property. For example, they want to know it is safe for their children or has a good school nearby. They may also be interested in local amenities and what the crime rates are like. Be prepared to educate a property buyer on what they can expect when they move to the area.

What are the Running Costs?

Of course, a property buyer wants to know how much the house is worth in order to make an offer. But, they also want to know the running costs of maintaining the home and this can be a question they ask you. For instance, they may want to know the council tax band they will be paying and the utility costs to expect. After all, they want to confirm that they are going to be able to afford the property. So, have these details on hand to enjoy a fast house sale.

What is Included in the Sale?

There are a lot of owners that include some of their belongings in the sale. For example, this can be white goods, fixtures and fittings. Perhaps even a garden shed. You want to make it clear to a property buyer what will be included if they purchase the home. You can point this out when you are conducting viewings.

What is the Lowest Price You Will Accept?

Property buyers want to get the best deal they can. Everybody does in life. So, be prepared for them to ask you what the lowest price is that you will accept for the property. This is a number you want to think about in advance. Know how much your home is worth and factor in a profit. The last thing you want is to name a price and be unwilling to accept it later on.


Picture of Bobby Turner

Bobby Turner

Market research, writer & property specilaist for Zoom Property Buyer. Over 10 years in property sector. Previously at WhatHouse?